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Outdoor Adventures with Flowers & Bees!

Writer's picture: tessahigneytessahigney

What better way to get outside than to go searching for some flowers and bees! We're finally starting to really see the signs of summer approaching, and with all of this sunshine and new growth happening - our hunt for flowers and bees gets that much easier!

1. Dissect a Flower

Can you find all the parts of the flower? Try experimenting with different types of flowers from your garden, the forest or pick some up at the grocery store.

You Will Need:

- Large flowers work best, but anything will do in a pinch (I know crocus are easy to find right now!)

- Scissors or knife

- Tweezers

What to do:

- Use tweezers and scissors or a knife (with adult help) to carefully pull apart the pieces of the flower.

- See if you can identify the different parts of the flower, based on the picture below.

2. Build a Bee Hotel

** This outdoor activity does require some tools to complete.

Get help from an adult when working with tools. Then put up your bee hotel near some flowers so the bees will be able to find it and have food near by. Place it off the ground, or attach to a tree or fence post with nails or a small rope. Make sure it won’t move in the wind.

You Will Need:

- A waterproof container, such as a milk carton, bucket , pipe or old crate.

- Wood blocks or logs

- Straws or natural stalks, such as bamboo or raspberry canes

How To Make It:

1. Drill holes into wood blocks, ranging from 7/64, 1/8, 11/64, 3/16 or 1/4 inch diameter. Use 6” or 12” long drill bits if possible.

2. Insert wood blocks into container. Add straws or natural stalks, such as bamboo.

3. Hang your bee hotel outside, facing south or southeast.

4. Watch your bee hotel for bees!

5. Find out how to take care of your bee hotel at

3. Press a Flower or Leaf

Take a walk through the forest or your back yard and see if you can find a flower or some fresh leaves to pick. Remember not to pick too many as nature needs these treasures to keep on thriving!

You Will Need:

- Fresh flower or leaf

- Heavy book (like a dictionary) or a hardcover book that you can place something heavy on top of

- Paper towel

How to Make It:

- Fold 3-4 pieces of paper towel together to create the 'bed' for your flowers or leaves.

- Open your book to roughly the center. Place the 'bed' on one side of the book.

- Gently lay the flowers or leaves on top of the 'bed'. Make sure that they have enough room and aren't touching each other.

- Fold another 3-4 pieces of paper towel together to make the 'blanket' for your flowers. Cover your flowers gently with the 'blanket'. Be sure to make sure that the flowers are not touching the pages of your book directly as they could damage your book.

- Tuck your flowers and leaves in for a nice rest by gently closing the book.

- Be sure that the book is stored in a dry, cool place and place something heavy on top to ensure that things are really cozy in there!

- Wait 2-3 days and then open up to find your beautifully pressed flowers! They can be framed or made into really nice cards for someone special!



2020 Learning Together - Tessa Higney

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