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Bird Week Outdoor Aventures

Writer's picture: tessahigneytessahigney

Happy Bird Week everyone!

I am happy to share some ways to get outside this week and observe the many amazing birds species we have here in the Yukon. We are very fortunate to live in an area that sees so many migratory birds. Watson Lake has a very special landscape that allows a great resting place for all kinds of birds who are making their way north to lay their eggs in the summer. The river and the lush forests here provide lots and lots of food and safe resting ground. I hope you and your family are able to take advantage of these activities during the week and you spot some special birds - have fun!

Visit the Albert Creek Bird Observatory:

Take a field trip with the whole family out to Albert Creek. The access road is not difficult to access with all types of vehicles. I've provided two links below to help you learn more about the observatory and directions on how to get there. A few quick words of advice are to where long sleeved clothing as it can get pretty buggy out there, and solid footwear as the terrain is challenging in some areas (there are some bridges and small foot paths that may not be suitable for toddlers, so use your discretion!) Enjoy and keep your eyes and ears opened for the many kinds of birds you can observe!

Take a Walk around Wye Lake:

Wye Lake is an AMAZING sanctuary for birds passing through the area. And the biggest perk is that it's right in out back yard! The shrubs and marsh land close to the gazebo are a haven for little song birds and swallows, while the lake is a great stop for terns, gulls and ducks.

Set up your own Backyard Bird Feeder:

Bird feeders don't have to be a big complicated building project. You can make easy, functional bird feeders from items that you probably have laying around your home already! Below I've shared two great videos on how to make a bird feeders out of basic everyday materials. Enjoy!


2020 Learning Together - Tessa Higney

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