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Welcome Back JES Students!

Tuesday, September 1st is the first day back for students at Johnson Elementary School. 

Tuesday, September 8th will be the first day our Learning Together Program opens to the public!

Please consider the following before you arrive at the school:

1. Enter at the main entrance only. Please check in with office before entering the school.

2.You will be asked to sanitize yours and your child's hands at the sanitizing station upon entry.

3. Once you have arrived at the Learning Together classroom, you will required to wash you hands with soap and water.

4. All participants will be required to complete a registration form for the 2020/2021 school year. Please bring a piece of ID (birth certificate of passport) to confirm your child's birthday.

5. Please limit your contact with other areas/students/teachers in the school while you are here. We are following a cohort style plan to limit contact between classes, please be respectful of this!

We thank you and your family for your patience and cooperation as we all work to keep our community safe, healthy and thriving!

We look forward to seeing you soon :)


2020 Learning Together - Tessa Higney

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