Check out some of these fun ideas to do outside to celebrate Earth Day.
1. Make an Earthday Cake for the planet!
- Dig out some old pots, pans, buckets, bowls and spoons - whatever you don't mind getting a bit dirty!
- Measure out some soil, sand, gravel or clay.
- Add water and mix, mix, mix!
- Pour your cake into it's baking dish.
- Decorate your cake with things that you can find outside - pine cones, pine needles, beautiful rocks, pebbles, leaves, rosehips, grass or flowers if you're lucky!
- Leave your cakes out for mother nature to bake!
2. Neighborhood Garbage Cleanup
**Please use your judgement about what to pick up/where to pick up and be sure to wear gloves to protect yourselves!**
Make your neighborhood a cleaner, more beautiful place! Grab some rubber gloves and garbage bags and take to the streets and trails! Make picking up garbage a fun challenge for your little one by turning it into an 'I Spy' challenge. Look for different colors and shapes or encourage them to count the number of pieces they can find. Take before and after photos in areas that you can really notice a lot of trash laying around. Celebrate your good community deeds with a special treat or loved activity after your are finished.
**Remember to wash your hands and avoid having your child pick up things up that may have come into contact with other people's mouth or nose (i.e beverage containers, tissues)
3. Making Nature's Art
Take a look at some of the art work made by artist Andy Goldsworthy. He is a sculptor and photographer who uses only things found in nature (i.e sticks, ice, rocks, leaves, branches) to build some truly amazing sculptures. See what you can find around your home or in the forest and use these photographs as inspiration! Have fun and take a photo when your masterpiece is complete!
Images sourced from