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Our Growing Garden Outdoor Adventures

Writer's picture: tessahigneytessahigney

Kids love to dig around in the dirt (most of them anyway!) What better way to get them outside and learning about plants and how they grow then to make gardening a part of your families life?

I've tried to come up with a few activities that you can do around Watson Lake to encourage your family to get outside and to learn more about gardening. I hope you are able to take advantage of these ideas and enjoy the journey!

  1. Visit a Community Garden or Greenhouse

Do you have a neighbour or family member who has a greenhouse? Reach out to them and ask if you may come and have a look inside to see what they're growing. Another option is to take your little ones to the greenhouse at Home Hardware to check out the variety of plants that they have growing there. There is also a community garden just on the edge of Wye Lake - I'm not sure if it's open to the public to view but you could always peek through the fence to see what's growing! Things to consider and discuss with your kids when inside a greenhouse:

- Why is it warmer inside?

- Do all plants like it to be this warm?

2. Create your own Backyard Garden

Set up a gardening corner in your backyard. Include wagons, toy lawn mowers, gardening tools, plastic flower pots, fabric flowers, gloves, etc. You may also add a kiddie pool and fill it with soil and plastic vegetables (use old or broken plastic vegetables).

Don't feel pressured to go out and buy any of these items I mentioned above - you can use any household item or recyclable item to make a 'gardening tool' for your little one. Be sure to make sure soil is free from anything sharp or toxic before letting your kids go digging.

Another thing to consider is transplanting some little trees or small shrubs you find in nearby forests or woodlands, or to purchase a few flowers from the local supermarket and have your child plant and care for them throughout the summer.


2020 Learning Together - Tessa Higney

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