Hey gang!
Try out one, two or three of the activities I suggest below, to get your kids outside and thinking about life on a farm. These activities are a great extension to some of the stories I provide under our stories link, so be sure to have a look and listen before getting started on these adventures.
1. Vegetable Scavenger Hunt
**Parents - This activity does require a little bit of preparation and that you have a few vegetables kicking around your kitchen!
Gather some vegetables that your family eats regularly (i.e carrots, turnip, potatoes, broccoli onion, tomato etc.)
Talk with your child(ren) about where these vegetable grow. Are they root vegetables? Are they stalk vegetables?
In your backyard, hide/bury/ place the vegetables in places that you might find them growing on a farm (bury a potato or carrot in the ground; place a tomato on the branch of a small tree)
Let your children loose in the yard and gather their crops!

2. Milking your Backyard Cow
**Materials needed:
- a latex or rubber glove
- a pin or sewing needle
- water or milk
Watch this video about where milk comes from with your kids.
Have you ever wondered what it might feel like to milk a cow? Well this activity will let you experience what it might be like!
Grab your rubber glove and poke 4 tiny holes in each of the fingers of the glove (remeber cows only have 4 teats so don'f use the thumb!)
Fill the glove with whatever liquid you choose.
Hold the glove from the top and create a bit of pressure inside.
Have a go at milking the "cow". Squeeze the udders and see if you can get any milk to come out!

3. Farm Animal Yoga
** This activity can be done inside or outside!
At the bottom of the Outdoor Adventures Page - you will find a printable copy of Farm Animal Yoga (it's a lot of pages so don't feel pressured to print it all! Check it out on the site and then choose what you like!)
There is no right or wrong way to use this package so feel free to explore in the way that works best for your family!
Have fun :)