Let’s get started! This might get a little stinky… But use that nose to find out what smells!
These are all great questions to keep in mind as you explore these activities with your noses!
Does it smell good? Can you describe how it smells? Do they smell the same? Can you tell me what is making the smell?

Now, I know that while we are all stuck in our homes with limited crafts supplies and without the freedom to just run to the store to get what we need... I will try my best to share ideas to do at home that will use supplies and materials that you already have laying around the house!
Today let's give painting with spices a try!
The steps are simple and there are really only a few supplies that you need:
- Paintbrushes
- Mixing cups
- Spices of your choice - whatever you happen to have in the cupboard (I recommend cinnamon, curry or turmeric, cocoa powder, chili powder or ginger)
- *Paint (optional)
- Paper
There are 2 options to make these smelly paints. You can mix your spices in with existing paint (try matching the colors you have with the color of the spices EXAMPLE: cinnamon with brown , or chili powder with red)
OR you can simply add a tablespoon of each spice to your mixing cup and add water. Mix until you have the consistency of paint and then get your brushes ready!
Enjoy your smelly art! https://nurturestore.co.uk/homemade-paint-recipe-messy-play