Hey parents,
How is everyone holding up out there? I will be honest with you from my place, it's a struggle working from home with a toddler who wants to be part of all things happening in the house! But it is is helping me to understand and think up some ways that we as parents can encourage learning at home:
My first piece of advice is not to force 'learning' on your child. Especially during these confusing and stressful times. Your schedules and daily activities have likely changed a lot over the past month or two and your child(ren) are still adapting. They are probably full of questions about why they can't go to school or daycare and see their friends or grandparents. Simply be with them, do your best to answer their questions and calm their racing minds.
Make playtime a priority! Play is probably the best therapy and opportunity to learn for your child, so be sure to give them as much time they need to play and explore. Remember that you don't always have to play WITH your child. Create an interesting and engaging play environment for them and let them at it! Our adult brains work differently and have already done a lot of the growing that our children's brains are going through, so don't feel pressured to always entertain and 'play' like them. It's natural that we behave differently than our kids so let nature do it's work.
Get outside! Regular walks and outdoor activities do wonders for both child and parents alike. You might notice your child sleeps more soundly or even has less moods swings or tantrums during the day if they get a good dose of outside time.
Routine! If your family doesn't already have a daily routine to follow, try getting together as a family and deciding on something that works for you. Kids love routine. They thrive off of it and in general they are able to manage their emotions a lot better when they know what to expect throughout the day. If you want to discuss how to find a schedule that works for your family - please send me an email and I will be happy to talk about how to get started!
Happy Earth Week to you all and hope you enjoy this week's activities, stories and songs with your little ones.
